Here’s your opportunity to share impactful solutions geared towards enriching Veteran lives and addressing their unique challenges.
VA uses world-class resources to support innovations benefiting Veterans, caregivers, families, survivors, and staff.
Join VA’s mission to improve Veteran lives, backed by strong procurement.
VA leverages its budget to provide outstanding health benefits to the Veteran community. Services and products are procured across ten major OMB categories.
VA Community
Join our thriving ecosystem where innovators and VA staff collaborate to revolutionize veteran-focused solutions, products, and services.
PathFinder featured on PsychArmor's "Behind the Mission" podcast
VA's PathFinder program is the focus of an enlightening episode on PsychArmor’s “Behind the Mission” podcast, where host Shari Duval dives into the initiatives that are transforming Veteran care. This episode highlights how the PathFinder program brings industry innovators into VA to improve the lives and healthcare of Veterans.
Join us as we explore PathFinder’s impact, and its role in supporting the Veteran community. Listen here.
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New Horizons in Health Episode 2: The VA Immersive Experience
New Horizons in Health: Bringing Veterans' Healthcare into the Future discusses cutting edge research...
Partners in Innovation
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Innovation Ecosystem engages and empowers a broad community of academic...
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What makes a successful submission to PathFinder?
PathFinder has created an objective platform for innovators matching solutions with the correct VA stakeholders across clinical disciplines and content areas.
However, VA has a finite number of resources to successfully collaborate with all interested external innovators.
Please carefully review the submission criteria before completing the intake form.
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