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Let’s talk about “Problem Framing”

Every innovation solves a problem. It might sound simple, but understanding that problem is the innovator’s first job. Problem framing is the process of defining a challenge. This is a critical step in the innovation process because it clarifies and prioritizes the most important aspects of an issue. It also helps to identify potential solutions and guide decision-making. Strong problem framing can be key to finding successful solutions to complex problems.

Frame it up

The process below can help you take the guesswork out of problem framing:

  1. 1

    Define the problem. Clearly articulate what the problem is, including its scope and context. Make sure you understand all the relevant details and factors that may be contributing to the problem.

  2. 2

    Identify the causes. Look for the root causes of the problem. This may involve gathering data, conducting research, and seeking input from others who may have different perspectives on the issue.

  3. 3

    Consider the consequences. Think about the potential consequences of the problem and how it may impact different stakeholders.

  4. 4

    Determine the scope.Determine the scope of the problem, including any boundaries or constraints that may impact your approach to solving it.

  5. 5

    Choose an approach. Decide on a framework or approach for addressing the problem. Consider the features, strengths, and weaknesses of each approach. You can also look for case studies to gain a better understanding of how well various approaches perform in the real world.