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An official website of the United States government

We facilitate innovative opportunities to increase access to care, improve clinical outcomes, and lower the cost of healthcare. To do so, we leverage real-world collaboration and powerful simulation tools for iterative design and development. Projects can take place within any stage of the innovation lifecycle: from budding ideas to mature solutions.

Collaborating with Academia

When it comes to innovation, VA is looking to collaborate with research initiatives that are focused on quality improvement which generally strives to improve outcomes in a health setting by implementing a practical solution to a problem or evaluating an established practice.

VA offers many opportunities to collaborate. We have indicated the most relevant options for you, but feel free to explore all our offerings.


Identify and define the problem through interviews and research


Conduct trials to determine if solution satisfies customer need


Pilot a high-fidelity solution across multiple environments as proof of concept


Share a tested and proven program across the market through scaling and/or commercialization